David Sterry's Blog

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Search Twitter with Tweet Scan

Today, I'm releasing Tweet Scan for your enjoyment. Tweet Scan emails you every day or week with the Twitter messages you choose.

Twitter has given me something fun to do with my Treo's web browser and for that I thank them. My special way of thanking goes beyond just putting my hands together gratefully and looking toward the sky. I created Tweet Scan. It allows you to search recent Twitter messages for words and phrases of interest to you. It's like a mini-Google for Twitter.

You can search in near real-time, the messages appearing Twitter's public timeline xml file. At this time I figure about 1/5th of posts are recorded there so don't be surprised if nost of your posts don't appear in the search results. If enough people sign up for Tweet Scan, I'll flip a switch so almost every public message is searchable.

Beyond a simple search engine, you can get daily emails of tweets that mention your interests. When you're choosing your search terms, it's easy to preview the results. Once you're setup, you'll get a daily email including tweets that match. They're really quite fun to read through if you choose good keywords. If you prefer more infrequent emails, you can choose the weekly option.

It's free and fun so go ahead and sign up. Then you'll have some fun email to read the next time you're waiting in line or sipping away at your local coffee shop.

I'd love to hear your feedback on Tweet Scan. Just shoot me an email at tweetscan at davidsterry.com


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